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Dried Goji Berries

Date:2023-02-16 12:58:29

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What Is a Goji Berry?

The goji berry, also called the wolfberry, is a bright orange-red berry that comes from a shrub that's native to China. In Asia, goji berries have been eaten for generations in the hope of living longer.
Over time, people have used goji berries to try to treat many common health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, fever, and age-related eye problems. Goji berries, which some brand a “superfood,” are eaten raw, cooked, or dried (like raisins) and are used in herbal teas, juices, wines, and medicines.

Health Benefits of Goji Berries

Goji berries are rich in nutrients. Some early studies using goji berry juice found there may be some possible benefits that included:
A feeling of well-being and calmness
Better athletic performance
Better sleep
Weight loss
A boost to your immune system
Higher antioxidant levels
Many berries are good for you. It's not clear whether goji berries are better than other types of berries or if goji berry supplements would have the same health benefits as the berries themselves.

Goji Berry Nutrition

Goji berries offer plenty of vitamins and minerals such as:
Vitamin C
Vitamin A
They’re also a good source of protein and antioxidants.

Goji Berry Risks and Side Effects

Goji berries could interact with some drugs. If you take warfarin (a blood thinner), you may want to avoid them. Goji berries may also interact with diabetes drugs and blood pressure drugs, so talk with your doctor first.

Goji Berry Uses

Eat them raw.
Use them in cooking.
Drink goji fruit juice.
Take a goji supplement.
Use them in an herbal tea.

Xi'an Forward Trading Company is processors, packagers and distributors of dried goji berries, we have established long business cooperation with 35 goji berry planters, covering 189 hectare of goji berries orchards in Ningxia Province, China. If you are intrested in dried goji berries and would like to lean more, welcome to contact us @ email: sales@driedfruitsnack.com and WhatsApp: +8613991488775.




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