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Health Benefits of Goji Berries

Date:2023-02-16 13:32:41


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 Rich Source of Carotenoids

Goji berries contain significant concentrations of carotenoids which are responsible for the fruit’s orange/red hue.
Among these compounds, zeaxanthin is the primary carotenoid, and it also functions as an antioxidant
Another carotenoid that goji berries provide is beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A. While vitamin A from plant foods is not as bioavailable as retinol (from animal foods,) it can still be beneficial.
This essential vitamin is responsible for several crucial processes in the body, including growth and development and the optimal functioning of the immune and visual systems 
Further, clinical trials show that greater intake of carotenoid-rich food increases skin carotenoid status 
Various studies demonstrate that a higher skin concentration of carotenoids helps to protect the skin from UV-induced damage 
 Goji berries contain significant concentrations of carotenoids, which are good for skin and can convert to vitamin A.

 High in Vitamin C

The second most prevalent vitamin in goji berries is vitamin C.
With approximately 23% of the RDA per ounce, the berries are a vitamin C-rich food source.
Vitamin C plays a critical role in our whole body’s health, and it is responsible for;
Protecting cells against free radical-induced oxidative damage 
Healing from bruises, cuts and general wounds
Supporting and regulating cellular functions of the immune system, and thereby improving overall immunity
Interestingly, vitamin C also appears to boost the amount of iron we can absorb from non-heme (plant) sources
Goji berries provide a good source of vitamin C.

 Concentrated Source of Polyphenols

Although they do not have direct antioxidant activity as once believed, polyphenols appear to up-regulate numerous biological processes 
In other words, they can make various systems (such as inflammatory response) work better.
As one of the most concentrated sources of polyphenols, goji berries provide a range of interesting compounds.
The most prevalent of these polyphenols include rutin, scopoletin, caffeic acid, coumaric acid, moupinamide, and a range of flavonoids 
These compounds may have several benefits for health, such as helping to lower blood pressure
Goji berries contain a large range of potentially health-protective polyphenols.

Xi'an Forward Trading Company is processors, packagers and distributors of dried goji berries, we have established long business cooperation with 35 goji berry planters, covering 189 hectare of goji berries orchards in Ningxia Province, China. If you are intrested in dried goji berries and would like to lean more, welcome to contact us @ email: sales@driedfruitsnack.com and WhatsApp: +8613991488775.




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