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Nutritional Effects of Goji Berry

Date:2023-02-16 16:16:20

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 Benefits For Eyesight

 goji berries contain a wealth of carotenoids.
Among these compounds, the berries are an especially good source of zeaxanthin and lutein. Zeaxanthin and lutein play a role in our visual health, and some studies suggest they may help to prevent or reduce the progression of macular degeneration
Human randomized, controlled trials also show that goji berry supplementation increases plasma antioxidant levels of these two compounds.
In one study, 13.7 grams of goji berries per day “significantly increased” plasma levels of zeaxanthin. This particular trial lasted for 90 days and featured 150 participants.
The study results found that the 75 individuals taking goji berries every day experienced a 26% increase in plasma zeaxanthin compared to the 75 participants in the blinded control group 
Goji berries also contain a unique phytonutrient known as Lycium barbarum polysaccharide. In-vitro (cell culture) studies show this compound has anti-cancer activity and helps to inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells.
However, these findings are from in-vitro (cell culture) studies, and there is currently no evidence for the same effect within the human body 
 Goji berries provide a decent source of zeaxanthin. Importantly, goji intake increases plasma levels of this eye-protective antioxidant.

 Surprising Source of Protein
Surprisingly for a fruit, dried goji berries provide a reasonable amount of protein and contain 18 amino acids
In fact, there are about 14 grams of protein per 100 grams, which works out at about 4 grams per ounce
While nobody should eat goji berries specifically for protein content, it is a nice little bonus.

Concerns and Side Effects
Now that we have looked into the health benefits of eating goji berries; what concerns are there?
Sadly, there are some negative points about the fruit that people should be aware of.

1. Dried Goji Berries Are High In Sugar
Yes, fruit sugar may be natural, but it can still be problematic in excessive amounts.
While a handful of goji berries from time to time is no problem, continually snacking on them could become an issue.
For instance, one ounce (28 grams) contains a substantial 12.8 grams of sugar
The total content does not sound significant, but it is approaching a sugar-density of 50%, so the sugars can quickly add up in bigger portions.
Goji berries may also spike blood sugar levels, and this may be an issue for people with diabetes or anyone watching their carbohydrate intake.
Goji berries are relatively high in fructose (fruit sugar).

2. “Superfood” Claims
If a superfood truly exists, it would probably have to be either organ meats or shellfish due to their outstanding nutrient density.
Although goji berries can be healthy, the “superfood” claims are more for marketing purposes.
After all, everybody is going to be interested in a product that claims to offer longevity benefits and extend lifespan.
Unfortunately, there is just no evidence for these claims, and exaggerated marketing has allowed a whole industry to spring up.
For example, products like ‘goji juice’ and small packets of ‘goji extract powder’ commanding a fee of $20 is poor value for money.
Real goji berries in their whole food structure (complete with fiber) are the healthier and better-priced option.
Be wary of over-hyped goji products. They may have some benefit, but they are overly expensive and the whole fruit is a better option.

3. Drug Interactions
A Doctor In a White Coat Holding a Noteboard.
Many common foods and drinks can have interactions with prescription drugs, and this is the case for goji berries.
Specifically, anyone who is using blood-thinning medication such as warfarin may wish to discuss with their doctor.
Various case studies document adverse reactions between warfarin and goji berries. For this reason, researchers believe it is “probable” that the berries can boost the anticoagulant effects of the blood-thinner warfarin
Doctors consider medication doses carefully, and more powerful effects can, therefore, have unintended consequences.
Always discuss medical issues with a doctor.
There are numerous documented adverse reactions between goji berries and warfarin.

Xi'an Forward Trading Company is processors, packagers and distributors of dried goji berries, we have established long business cooperation with 35 goji berry planters, covering 189 hectare of goji berries orchards in Ningxia Province, China. If you are intrested in dried goji berries and would like to lean more, welcome to contact us @ email: sales@driedfruitsnack.com and WhatsApp: +8613991488775.




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