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About Dried Kiwi Fruit

Date:2023-02-20 14:44:01

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How to Store Homemade Dried Kiwi 
If you have a stockpile of dehydrated kiwifruit that you aren’t going to eat anytime soon, you’re going to need to store them properly so that they remain fresh for a while.
Before trying to store dry kiwi, make sure they’ve completely cooled down, assuming you dried them in the oven or dehydrator.
After they’ve cooled down, put the dry slices of kiwi in an air-tight container. A glass container would be ideal. If you don’t have a glass container, you can use a plastic container or a plastic bag. Just be sure the container doesn’t allow any airflow.
Lastly, place the container or plastic bags in a dark place that’s cool and dry. This could be your pantry, cabinet, or other. If you live in an area that’s humid, put the dry kiwi in the fridge/freezer.
If you happen to have a vacuum sealer, that’s the best way to store dehydrated foods. You can also use a vacuum sealer jar attachment to suck the air out of a mason jar. Doing so can increase shelf-life by 5-10 years!

Creative Ways to Enjoy Dried Kiwi Slices or Chunks
Dried kiwi is best paired with low-sugar fruits such as raspberries and grapefruit, instead of eating a full serving of dried kiwi, pair half a serving with a low-sugar fruit of your liking.
You can also use dried kiwis to add a layer of crunch to a green salad.
Generally speaking, dried kiwis don’t need to be paired with anything. Treat them as healthy grab-and-go snacks.     

Tips for Making the Perfect Dehydrated Kiwi Chips
If you slice the kiwi really thin, you can make excellent chips out of them. Way better than the fried potato stuff!     
You really don’t have to do anything special to them, but if they’re going to be laying around for a while, there’s a secret to keeping kiwi chips vibrant green and crispy:
Before dehydrating, dip them in a solution of 1 cup water and a splash of ascorbic acid (usually 1-2 tablespoons depending on how big a batch you’re making).
And just like that, they’ll stay just as green and fresh-looking as the day you cut into them!

Frequently Asked Questions
Is dried kiwi good for you?
Yes! Did you know kiwi has more vitamin C than oranges? And it’s even more concentrated in its dehydrated form because all the water has been sucked out. Plus, as a general rule, dried fruit has more than 3 times the fiber and minerals by weight than their fresh counterparts.
Just keep in mind that dried kiwi is super condensed, and the natural sugars within them are, too. So if you’re watching your sugar intake, you may want to ration them.    

How long does dried kiwi last?
Dried kiwi has a shelf life of 1 to 2 years. You can get even longer if you vacuum pack it and add a dessicant pack to protect against moisture. 

What should the texture of dried kiwi chips be like?
Oddly enough, dried kiwi feels a bit leathery. If you want crispy instead of slightly chewy, you should dehydrate them for several hours past the recommended time, possibly even overnight. 

Do I need a dehydrator?
No, as I discussed earlier, you can dry kiwi in an oven or even outside in the sun if you live in a dry enough environment. I’ve even heard of people using the dashboard of a hot, dry car as a dehydrator alternative! 
Xi'an Forward Trading Company is processors, packagers and distributors of dried kiwi we have established long business cooperation with 31 dried kiwi planters, covering165hectare of dried kiwi orchards in Shaanxi Province, China. If you are intrested in dried kiwi and would like to lean more, welcome to contact us @ email: sales@driedfruitsnack.com and WhatsApp: +8613991488775.




Dried Fruits



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