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Dried Strawberry Benefits

Date:2023-02-23 11:31:56

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Strawberries are both delicious and nutritious, but they don’t stay in season all that long!
If you’re tired of not being able to get your favorite fruit in the fall and winter months, you may want to consider dehydrating your strawberries to extend their benefits. 

Dried Strawberry Nutrition
They’re relatively low in calories with a single serving providing just 40 calories. Strawberries are naturally fat and cholesterol free foods.
They do contain some fiber with about one gram per serving, but their primary macronutrient is carbohydrates with 9 grams in a serving.       
When it comes to vitamins and minerals, dehydrated strawberries are a rich source of Vitamin C, containing 40% of your daily value in a single serving.    
They also contain some calcium albeit a relatively small amount.

Benefits of Eating Dried Strawberries
When reviewing the health benefits of strawberries, it’s common to wonder if there’s a difference between dried versus fresh.
When drying fruit, the fluid is removed, but the nutrients are retained. This means you can enjoy the same health benefits from both fresh and dried strawberries. 

They Can Lower Bad Cholesterol
When it comes to heart disease, you want to pay close attention to your diet. Unfortunately, high cholesterol is a common problem and contributes to developing heart disease over time.
One of the benefits of strawberries is that they can help to lower cholesterol naturally.       
Strawberries contain ellagic acid and flavonoids that can decrease bad cholesterol levels in your blood.      
Researchers in Toronto studied strawberries and found that they played an important role in lowering cholesterol levels, especially when combined with an overall healthy diet and exercise.

They’re a Healthy Alternative to Candy – Yet Just As Satisfying
If you’re like me, you have a sweet tooth. However, processed sugar and sugar-containing foods can be harmful over time.
Not only can they lead to weight gain, but too much sugar promotes inflammation and may contribute to chronic health problems.
The good news is that strawberries are naturally sweet.
They are full of flavor and the dried strawberries are a great way to satisfy your sweet craving without adding extra sugar or many additional calories to your diet.     
The next time you feel the need to reach for a candy bar, try snacking on some dried strawberries instead!

They’re High in Vitamin C (Immune Boost!)
Strawberries are a rich source of Vitamin C with just one serving providing 40% of your daily required intake.
Not only is Vitamin C an essential nutrient, it’s also a water-soluble vitamin. This means that unlike other vitamins, you have to get enough in your diet on a daily basis.     
Finding Vitamin C rich foods isn’t too difficult if you eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, but strawberries are an easy and tasty choice for this nutrient.
The good news is that Vitamin C also contributes to a healthy immune system. There’s a reason why so many people take Vitamin C during cold and flu season.     
While you may still get the occasional cold, having dried strawberries in your diet may help to ward off some germs.

They’re  Rich with Anti-Inflammatory Antioxidants
Inflammation is a chronic problem that can occur to anyone.
However, the antioxidant and phytochemical compounds found in strawberries play an important role in reducing inflammation.
One study found that women who ate just 16 strawberries a week had a 14% decrease in inflammatory markers when tested.
Although there are many ways to lower inflammation, very few are as easy as including strawberries in your diet.     
Xi'an Forward Trading Company is processors, packagers and distributors of Dried Strawberries we have established long business cooperation with70dried Strawberries planters, covering120hectare of dried Strawberries orchards in Shaanxi Province, China. If you are intrested in dried Strawberries and would like to lean more, welcome to contact us @ email: sales@driedfruitsnack.com and WhatsApp: +8613991488775.




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