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Dried Strawberries are healthy

Date:2023-02-23 17:20:21

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Strawberries are both delicious and nutritious, but they don’t stay in season all that long!       

They Support Healthy Bowel Habits (Thank You, Fiber)
Having a healthy digestive system isn’t always easy and much of your system depends on your fiber intake.
You can find fiber in a variety of fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains, but strawberries have a fair amount of fiber as well .         
Adding a handful of them to your cereal in the morning is a great way to support healthy digestion. They’re also easy on your system as a natural source of fiber so consider them if you’ve had any problems in the past.

They Provide a Tasty Source of Minerals Some People Are Deficient In
Strawberries are also a good source of some minerals.
You may not think about your intake of manganese or potassium but it’s not uncommon to be deficient. Both of these play an essential role in regulating normal cellular function in your body.
You can find them in other foods as well, but dried strawberries are an easy and tasty way to get some in your diet.

They Encourage a Healthy Heart
Keeping your heart healthy over time involves eating a diet that’s rich in fiber, antioxidants, and phytonutrients.     
One study found that eating strawberries significantly reduced the risk of a heart attack.
The researchers at Harvard Medical School found that women who regularly ate strawberries had a 34% reduction in risk of having a heart attack. That’s a big difference from adding just one food to your diet regularly.

They May Help Prevent Wrinkles
We all want to keep our bodies in good shape over time and strawberries may help keep aging at bay.     
The nutrient composition of strawberries naturally works as an anti-aging fighter, helping to support collagen production.
It also contributes to your body’s anti-inflammatory response which may help you to avoid wrinkles over time.
If you’re looking for a quick option to improve your skin, this is the way to do it. 

How Many Dried Strawberries Should You Eat Per Day?        
This is a common question that comes up but there isn’t one correct answer.
As a general rule, one serving a day is going to give you the health benefits without adding many calories to your diet.     
One area you should consider is the sugar content of strawberries. Although the sugar in the berries is a natural source, you don’t want to have too many in your diet for optimal health.
Most people find that adding a serving to their cereal in the morning or using it in their trail mix is a good option to include in your diet.

Dried Strawberries vs Fresh: Any Difference in Benefit and Nutritional Content?      
If you’re not sure of whether to choose fresh or dried strawberries, you may want to consider the nutrition content.
When it comes to dried fruit, you’ll notice that dried berries are much smaller than the fresh fruit. It’s easy to eat a lot of them at one time so you could find yourself eating a lot more than you realize.     
In general, you should limit your serving size of any dried fruit to avoid having any negative effects.
However, when it comes to nutrient composition, dried fruits contain more fiber and antioxidants per ounce.
Since fiber plays an important role in preventing some diseases, the dried version is a better choice for this nutrient.
The take-away point from this is that you should be aware that while dried berries still have good nutrition when compared to fresh fruits, they should still be enjoyed in moderation.    
Xi'an Forward Trading Company is processors, packagers and distributors of Dried Strawberries we have established long business cooperation with70dried Strawberries planters, covering120hectare of dried Strawberries orchards in Shaanxi Province, China. If you are intrested in dried Strawberries and would like to lean more, welcome to contact us @ email: sales@driedfruitsnack.com and WhatsApp: +8613991488775.




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