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What Is a Raisin?

Date:2023-02-27 13:18:42

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A raisin is a dried grape. The grapes can be dried by the sun or a mechanical process, resulting in raisins. These dried fruits are produced and eaten around the world. Raisins are enjoyed raw or used in cooking and baking.       

What Is a Raisin?
Once a grape is dried, it becomes a raisin. The first step in raisin production is harvesting grapes. Grapes are first pre-treated with a cold dip. This helps the water evaporate through the thick grape skin. Then the grapes are dried. Sun drying is inexpensive, but can be slow and increases the risk of pests. Mechanical drying causes rapid evaporation and is a quicker and more controlled process. Once dry, the raisins are sent to a processing plant to remove any stems or foreign objects.

Raisins vs. Currants
Raisins grow on vines and are sweet. Currants are tart and grow on bushes. Dried currants can be difficult to find in stores. They are often labeled as black currants.

The most common varieties of grapes are natural dark purple ones and golden sultanas. There are also seedless raisins, as well as those that are the crimson and flame variety, easily found if shopping in an organic or gourmet market.
The natural raisin, made from the Thompson seedless grape, is labeled "natural" because of how the grape is dried. It's dried simply by the sun, without any oils or solutions.
Golden raisins, called sultanas, are made from the same types of grapes used to make natural raisins but go through a different processing method, as well as a sulfur dioxide treatment, that gives these raisins their rich, golden hue. 

Raisin Uses
Raisins can be eaten out of hand, mixed as in into trail mix or oatmeal, or added to baked goods. Since they absorb a lot of liquid, they are often soaked in juice or alcohol before being added to baked goods.

How to Cook With Raisins
Raisins should be added to ingredients as the recipe calls for. They can be chopped for a smaller size or left whole. The high concentration of sugars in raisins is what makes them sweet, but it is also what causes the raisins to become dried out and gritty after a long storage period. The sugars can crystallize inside the fruit, but that does not mean you cannot use them. There are a few ways you can revive dried-up raisins:
Plump up the raisins by blanching them in hot water. Place raisins in boiling water for 10 to 15 minutes until they begin to expand. You can add citrus zest, spices, or liquor to the water for extra flavor.
Another option is to soften the raisins in the microwave. Place raisins in a bowl and drizzle with a few tablespoons of warm water. Microwave for 12 to 15 seconds, pour off any leftover water and let sit, covered. Once cooled, the raisins should absorb the moisture.
A third option is to revive the raisins in the oven. Between layers of paper towel, spread the raisins on a cookie sheet and place them in a 200 degree Fahrenheit oven for 20 to 25 minutes. Keep a close watch. Cooking for too long can do the opposite effect and dry even further the raisins.

What Does It Taste Like?
Like other dried fruits, raisins are very sweet. They have a sticky consistency and because they were once grapes, the inside of raisins can be quite moist. Raisins that have become overdry can have a gritty texture.

Raisin Substitute
Different varieties of raisins can be swapped interchangeably in most recipes. To completely swap out raisins, try other dried fruits like dates, prunes, or dried cranberries. For the dates and prunes, chop the pieces to be raisin-sized.

Raisin Recipes
Raisins are popular in sweet and savory foods. Try some of these tasty foods:
Classic Carrot Salad With Raisins
Easy Rice Pudding With Raisins
Morrocan Lamb Tagine With Raisins, Almonds, and Honey

It is important to store raisins properly, so they do not dry out too quickly. Seal raisins in an airtight container or bag and store in a cool, dark place. Most kitchen cabinets are too warm. A month on the shelf is the maximum time they should be left out, after that they begin to dry out, darken, and lose vitamins. Also, raisins are popular for attracting bugs, so scrutinize them for insect activity before using them. Refrigeration is recommended for storage longer than a month. In a properly sealed container, raisins can last six months to one year.     
Xi'an Forward Trading Company is processors, packagers and distributors of Raisins we have established long business cooperation with100 Raisins planters, covering300hectare of Raisins orchards in Shaanxi,xinjiang Province, China. If you are intrested in Raisins and would like to lean more, welcome to contact us @ email: sales@driedfruitsnack.com and WhatsApp: +8613991488775




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