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Dried Peaches

Date:2023-03-01 11:03:43

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Origin of peaches
Peaches originated in China. The first appearance of peaches in China may date back as far as 2000 BC. It is believed that peach trees were first introduced into the United States by French explorers in 1562. They were first planted in Alabama and later in Florida. A book written n 1773 by William Bartram records accounts of finding peach orchards in Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina. Commercial production of peaches in the United States did not begin until the 19th century. Maryland, Delaware, Georgia and Virginia were the first states to grow peaches commercially.        

Interesting Facts About Peaches
There are many interesting facts about peaches. This fruit has become so popular that is has been given its own month of distinction. In the United States, August is National Peach month. This honor was given to peaches in 1982. The following facts may increase your respect and appreciation for this delicious fruit.
In China, peaches symbolize good luck and longevity.
On a worldwide scale, China is the largest producer of peaches.
In the United States, California produces approximately 50% of all peaches.
There are over 2000 varieties of peaches.
Georgia is known as the “Peach State.”
The peach is sometimes referred to as the “tree of life.”
Peaches are the 3rd most popular fruit grown in America.
Peaches are grown commercially in 28 states.
The United States grows approximately 25% of the world’s supply of peaches.
Peaches can be ripened by placing them in a brown paper bag for 2 to 3 days.
The peach is a member of the rose family.
A peach is a drupe. Drupes are fruits that have a hard stone or pit.
In Hungary, peaches are referred to as the “Fruit of Calmness.”
Peaches are credited with being an aphrodisiac.
Loaded with vitamins, dried peaches are a tasty and portable snack. These little morsels are also great in trail mixes, cake batters, chutneys, pies, cobblers, chewy granola bars, or as cupcake decorations and toppings for yogurt or ice cream. Because dehydrated fruit is very nutrient-dense and higher in sugar than the equivalent piece of fresh fruit, be aware of their caloric content if you're following a weight-loss plan or need to keep your sugar in check.
The more flavorful the fresh peaches you start out with, the more delicious the dehydrated version will be. For this recipe, you can use freestone or clingstone peaches. As their names indicate, the freestone peaches have a pit that is easily removed, and the clingstone ones need the help of a knife. The latter are most sought after for preserving, dehydrating, canning, and baking as they're sweeter and juicier. But either will yield marvelous results.
Xi'an Forward Trading Company is processors, packagers and distributors of peaches we have established long business cooperation with110peaches planters, covering300hectare of peaches orchards in Shaanxi Province, China. If you are intrested in peaches and would like to lean more, welcome to contact us @ email: sales@driedfruitsnack.com and WhatsApp: +8613991488775




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