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Health Benefits of Dried Peaches

Date:2023-03-01 12:05:17

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Health Benefits of Dried Peaches
You might want to consider buying dried peaches in bulk so that you will have a steady supply to incorporate into your diet. Dry peaches can be added to trail mix, oatmeal and many other recipes to elevate the nutritional value of your snack time or meal. Everyone wants to do whatever possible to reduce their risk of cancer. It’s incredibly nice when you can help reduce your risk of cancer by adding a delightful treat, such as peaches, to your diet. Studies indicate that peaches are especially helpful in reducing the risk of colon cancer and breast cancer. Dried peaches contain vitamins and nutrients that provide many health benefits. You need a sufficient amount of carbohydrates in your diet. Carbohydrates provide energy and help protect against disease. A 30g serving of dried peaches contains 25g of carbohydrates. Dried peaches are also a good source of iron and contain vitamin C and A. Peaches contribute to the overall health of your eyes, hair, muscles, teeth and bones. The fiber, potassium, vitamin C and choline content in peaches supports heart health. Peaches are beneficial in maintaining glucose levels and improving blood sugar levels. Peaches have a diuretic effect which makes them a good cleanser for your bladder and kidneys.

A medium size fresh peach has about 60 calories. In some situations, dried peaches are a better snack option than a fresh peach. There’s always the possibility of fresh peaches getting smashed or bruised when treated as a portable snack. Dried peaches can easily be packed into lunch bags and backpacks. They can withstand being tossed around. A 30g serving of dried peaches only has 114 calories so they can be enjoyed as a low-calorie snack. Due to their relatively low calorie content, buying bulk peaches is one way to add a nutritional snack to your health-conscious diet.

Adding peaches to your diet is a great way to acquire a portion of the daily value of various vitamins your body needs to stay healthy and function at its best. Peaches are a good source of vitamin A. A medium size peach will provide 16% to 20% of your DV requirement of vitamin A. You can get 11% to 13% of the daily value recommendation for vitamin C simply by enjoying a medium size peach for a snack or a part of a meal. Peaches are also a beneficial source of B vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin and B-6. A medium peach also provides folate, Pantothenic Acid, vitamin E and vitamin K.

Are Peaches Good for Weight Loss?
You can dry peaches yourself at home or opt for buying dried peaches as an easier way to enjoy this nutrition-packed fruit. If you’re on a weight loss diet, you might want to buy dried peaches wholesale so that you’ll have a tasty, portable snack to grab when you’re hungry. Peaches contain a good amount of fiber. Fiber helps you feel full faster and longer. It also helps your digestive system work properly. High fiber foods are a good choice for anyone on a weight loss diet. Proper hydration is also an essential part of a weight loss plan. Water makes up over 80% of the weight of a fresh peach. This content of water also helps keep you feeling full and less likely to reach for unhealthy snacks between meals. If you’re looking for a healthy food to incorporate into a weight loss plan, fresh peaches and dried peaches in moderation can be included in your meal and snack plan.
Xi'an Forward Trading Company is a processor, packager and distributor of dried peaches. We have established long business cooperation with110 peaches planters, covering 300hectare of peaches orchards in Shaanxi Province, China. If you are intrested in dried peaches and would like to lean more, welcome to contact us @ email: sales@driedfruitsnack.com and WhatsApp: +8613991488775




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