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What type of apples are best for dried apples

Date:2023-03-07 16:44:48

dried apple diced (2).jpg

You’ll want a crisp tart variety of apple for making dried apples. Avoid varieties like Red Delicious which can be mealy and soft. The best apples for apple chips are:
Honey Crisp
Jonathon or Jonagold
Granny Smith
Golden Delicious
Pink Lady

How to make dried apples…in the oven!
There’s no dehydrator needed for these dried apples. You can make them in your oven! It takes a few hours to bake them at low temperature, but it’s completely hands off. Here’s the main method you’ll use (or jump to the recipe below):
Thinly slice the apples. It’s easiest to use a mandoline; see below.
Place on a baking sheet. Dust with cinnamon for best results. Don’t let any apples overlap: keep them all in an even layer.
Bake ½ to 2 hours until dry. Bake until curled and light brown. Taste test an apple chip — wait a few minutes until it is cool before testing.
Cool the chips. They’ll crisp up even more after they’re cool!      

How to store dried apples
Because the serving size is small, it’s possible you might eat all your dried apples day of. And that’s ok! But if you’re able to keep some around, place them in a covered jar or container. They’ll store in a pantry for 1 week or longer. If you bake them long enough to remove all the moisture, they should stay crisp while stored.

Other seasonings for dried apples
You can add any spices you like to dried apples! While we love this healthy snack with plain old cinnamon, here are a few more ideas for interesting spices:
Pumpkin spices: Why not use this classic mixture of cozy spices? Try our Pumpkin Pie Spice.
Chai spices: Bring the flair of a Chai Latte into your apple chips. Try these Chai Spices.
Cinnamon and ginger: Add a little ginger to the cinnamon for a spicy flair.

Nutrition in dried apples
Why eat dried apples instead of traditional chips? Well, apples are full of lots of great nutrients. Here’s what you can expect from crunching on these chips: (Source: Healthline)
Apples are a good source of vitamin C: 1 apple contains 14% of your daily needs
Apples are full of fiber: 1 apple has 4 grams fiber or about 15% of your daily needs
Most of the nutrients in apples are in the skin, so you should eat the skin as much as possible.
They have a whole host of other benefits: read more here.

Xi'an Forward Trading Company is processors, packagers and distributors of apple we have established long business cooperation with80 dried apple planters, covering200hectare of apple orchards inShaanxi Province, China. If you are intrested in dried apple and would like to lean more, welcome to contact us @ email: sales@driedfruitsnack.com and WhatsApp: +8613991488775




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