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The nutritional source of apples

Date:2023-03-07 17:39:37

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Does eating an apple every day really keep the doctor away? Apples are certainly popular—ranking among the top three fruits produced around the world. They are easy to store and transport, and as a result, are typically available year-round in the U.S. In this piece we’ll explore how apples may benefit health and the best types for baking versus munching straight off the core.      

Source Of
Fiber, insoluble and soluble
Phytochemicals (quercetin, catechin, chlorogenic acid, anthocyanin)
Vitamin C
One serving, or one medium apple, provides about 95 calories, 0 gram fat, 1 gram protein, 25 grams carbohydrate, 19 grams sugar (naturally occurring), and 3 grams fiber.

Apples and Health
Apples are rich in quercetin and pectin, both of which are credited for supplying apples with their health benefits. [1] Quercetin is a flavonoid, a type of naturally occurring plant chemical that has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Pectin is a type of soluble fiber that may help prevent constipation and have a modest effect on lowering LDL, the “bad” cholesterol. Pectin is also fermented by beneficial bacteria in the colon, which produces short chain fatty acids that may play a role in the prevention of chronic diseases, including certain cancers and bowel disorders.
Fresh, whole apples offer the most nutrients. Discarding the skin removes much of the fiber and the majority of flavonoids. Dehydrating or drying the apples removes vitamin C, which is predominantly in the flesh. In addition, sugar (along with extra calories) is often added to dried apples. Clear apple juice undergoes filtering and pasteurization, which removes most of the flavonoids and fibers   
Overall research shows a benefit when adding apples to the diet. The studies below looked at the health effects of apples in the diet over time, or examined the effects of specific phytochemicals in apples.
Cardiovascular disease
Type 2 diabetes
Weight management
Xi'an Forward Trading Company is processors, packagers and distributors of apple we have established long business cooperation with80 dried apple planters, covering200hectare of apple orchards inShaanxi Province, China. If you are intrested in dried apple and would like to lean more, welcome to contact us @ email: sales@driedfruitsnack.com and WhatsApp: +8613991488775




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