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Best Climate and Site for Growing Apples

Date:2023-03-08 16:16:09


The apple is a hardy, deciduous woody perennial tree that grows in all temperate zones. Apples grow best where there is cold in winter, moderate summer temperatures, and medium to high humidity.
There are apples for fresh eating, some for cooking, and some for preserving. Some apples are sweet and some are tart. Some apples come to harvest in summer, some in autumn.     
Apples can grow from 10 to 30 feet tall and nearly as wide. They are moderately fast-growing, but growth slows with age. Apple trees can live for 100 years or more.
Apple trees bloom in the spring, set fruit, and take from 100 to 200 days to reach harvest depending upon the variety.
Apples grow in Zones 3 to 9. Some can tolerate winter temperatures as low as -40°F. Choose an apple tree suited for winter temperatures where you live. See Chilling Hours below.
Apples generally do not grow well close to the ocean where temperatures remain moderate most of the year.
Apples grow best in full sun. An apple tree planted in partial sunlight will not bear as many fruits like an apple planted in full sun.
Apples grow best in well-drained loamy soil, although they will grow in more sandy soil or in soil with some clay.
Apples grow best in a neutral soil pH of 6.0 to 7.0.
Plant apples sheltered from a prevailing wind or breeze. Avoid planting apples in a low spot where cold air or frost can settle.
Late spring frosts can kill apple flowers. Apples bloom in late spring after peaches, cherries, and almonds. Early fall frosts can damage the fruit. Choose a variety suited to your growing region.
Avoid planting in the same spot where apple trees have previously grown. Pests and diseases that attack apple trees may still live in the soil.       
Xi'an Forward Trading Company is processors, packagers and distributors of apples we have established long business cooperation with80 dried apples planters, covering200hectare of apples orchards inShaanxi Province, China. If you are intrested in dried apples and would like to lean more, welcome to contact us @ email: sales@driedfruitsnack.com and WhatsApp: +8613991488775




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