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9 Health Benefits of Dried Cranberries

Date:2023-03-09 13:59:59

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Dried cranberries offer an array of benefits to living a healthier and fitter life. Here is a list of the 9 benefits you get from the consumption of dried cranberries:       
Lowers Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases
Cranberries have polyphenols that possess anti-inflammatory properties. These elements are known to lower hypertension, a condition that increases blood pressure and is known to contribute to the build-up of excess platelets in the body. The latter is a primary cause of heart diseases and a huge contributor to cardiovascular problems. Regular consumption of dried cranberries is an easy and tasty way to reduce heart problems.
Reduces Risk of Urinary Tract Infections (UTI’s)
Cranberries possess another important nutritional element called PACs or proanthocyanins. These are antioxidants that prevent unwanted bacteria from sticking to the walls of your urinary tract. There are both good and bad bacteria going in and out of your system. It is the bad bacteria that cause various forms of urinary infection, and UTI is one of the most painful ones. Consumption of PACs, found in dried and unsweetened cranberry juice, can prevent these infections.
Reduces Chances of Breast Cancer and other Forms of Cancer
It may be true that there is no one way to prevent the development and spread of cancer but eating healthy is surely one of them. Research shows that those who consume dried cranberries on a regular basis have been found to have reduced exposure or risk of developing a cancerous tumor. The nutrients found in cranberries are known to slow down the progress of existing cancer while preventing the build-up of new ones. Many people over the world with predispositions to conditions such as prostate cancer or breast and ovarian cancer have shown significant improvements in reducing their risk by consuming dried cranberries daily.
Great for Oral Hygiene
Just like the PACs property in dried cranberries prevents bacteria from sticking to your urinary wall, in a similar way, they prevent tooth-decaying bacteria from sticking to your teeth. This improves your oral hygiene by making your teeth and gums stronger and preventing other problems like bad breath and gum bleed.    
Improves Renal Function
If you have ever experienced kidney or gall bladder stones, you would know how painful they can be and how you would do anything to avoid them in the future. The pain can be excruciating and often, intolerable. Dried cranberries are loaded with citric acid that can help you stay away from kidney and bladder-related complications. This acid is a key element in preventing the formation of kidney stones.
Helps Prevent Weight Gain
The average adult burns about 1500-2000 calories each day. The number of calories you burn depends on many factors like your age, gender, lifestyle, exercise regime, etc. You may be surprised to know that eating less is not equivalent to shedding calories. Accumulated calories will eventually convert into fat and add to your weight, even if you eat less. It is thus wiser to consume food portions that are not high in calorie content. One serving of dried cranberries, for example, has only 130 calories and are loaded with fiber that keeps you full for a longer time.  You can simply have these as a stand-alone meal.
Gives you Fawless Skin
Dried cranberries are rich in amino acids and hydroxyproline that are needed by the body to form collagen. The latter is a critical component in keeping your skin soft and young. Cranberries also keep your skin hydrated.
Solves Hair Problems
Rich in Vitamins A and C, dried cranberries can be the answer to your hair problems like dandruff and hair fall. The antifungal and antiseptic properties of the fruit prevent drying of the scalp that is the main cause of dandruff and oily hair.
Reduces Comorbidity Factors
The Mayo Clinic recommends the consumption of at least 25 gm of dietary fiber in your daily diet. Dried cranberries can be the source of these nutrients for you. These fibers lower comorbid factors like diabetes, gastrointestinal problems, nerve problems, etc.   
Xi'an Forward Trading Company is processors, packagers and distributors of dried cranberry we have established long business cooperation with80 dried cranberry planters, covering200hectare of cranberry orchards inShaanxi Province, China. If you are intrested in dried cranberry and would like to lean more, welcome to contact us @ email: sales@driedfruitsnack.com and WhatsApp: +8613991488775




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