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Health Benefits of Cranberries

Date:2023-03-09 16:50:38

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Cranberry is a kind of evergreen shrub that grows in wet habitats, such as bogs and wetlands. It is native to the north eastern and north central parts of the United States and is commonly referred to as American cranberry or bearberry.
The fruit produced by this shrub is a popular culinary ingredient. Due to their naturally tart taste, cranberries are often cooked, dried, or juiced before they are consumed.
Cranberry can also be taken as a supplement in the form of a capsule. 
Health Benefits
Cranberries are packed full of important nutrients and minerals which help treat infections and aid in treatments of diseases. Researchers have also identified over two dozen antioxidant phytonutrients present in cranberries. Antioxidants help protect your cells from damage that can lead to serious diseases.
Researchers have also identified over two dozen antioxidant phytonutrients present in cranberries.
Because of these nutrients and more, cranberries provide numerous health benefits. They can:      
Prevent Urinary Tract Infections
Close to 60% of women will experience a urinary tract infection (UTI) at some point in their life. Cranberries contain an active ingredient (A-type proanthocyanidins) that can prevent the adherence of bacteria to your bladder wall, which in turn helps protect you against pesky UTIs.     
Xi'an Forward Trading Company is processors, packagers and distributors of dried cranberry we have established long business cooperation with80 dried cranberry planters, covering200hectare of cranberry orchards inShaanxi Province, China. If you are intrested in dried cranberry and would like to lean more, welcome to contact us @ email: sales@driedfruitsnack.com and WhatsApp: +8613991488775




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